We help communities define their vision and create plans that set them up for effective and sustainable implementation.
Planning projects include:
– Comprehensive plans
– Neighborhood + sub-area plans
– Corridor + downtown plans
– Economic development plans
– Transit-oriented development plans
Our team pairs tried-and-true methods with culturally relevant activities to ensure engagement processes are welcoming, relevant, and fun.
Engagement projects include:
– Public + stakeholder engagement
– Multicultural + multilingual outreach
– Virtual meeting production
– Event production
Whether it’s a graphic for a social media post, a vignette that illustrates a placemaking effort, or a process to bring hundreds of stakeholders to consensus, the audience comes first in our design approach.
Design projects include:
– Urban design
– Graphic design
– Program design
– Strategy and facilitation
– Policy frameworks
We work to ensure communities have access to safe and affordable options that get them where they need and want to go.
Mobility projects include:
– Vision Zero/SS4A
– Complete Streets planning + engagement
– Bikeway + pedestrian plans
– Transit studies + plans
– Curb management plans