hands-on outreach: making road design fun with "design a street"

MUSE designed a custom activity with dozens of illustrated pieces to help all those we engage with imagine ways that their streets can be improved with walkability, mobility, and safety in mind.

creative kick-off: walking tour to clarify decisions + values

MUSE proposed, planned, and co-led a walking tour to kick off its engagement & outreach work in a historic downtown – the opportunity brought up ideas missed in past planning efforts.

tactical engagement: an interactive, educational pop-up oasis

How do you engage 1,000+ runners & spectators about the importance of road design? Build a fun, educational pop-up oasis to spark conversation on transportation & street design.


MUSE is expert in guiding conversations about urban topics to be engaging, civil, and productive. We understand how quickly discussions around mobility, housing, and liveability can fall pray to misunderstandings, rhetoric, or else – and fail to have much impact or utility for everyone at the table.

Online engagement: web + social

In its work, MUSE works to meet our audience where they are – social media. For a recent client, we developed a months-long online engagement strategy with a custom site and custom graphics too. The result? Yet more rich data collected!

reviewing development

For an ambitious master plan on Austin TX’s east side. Courtney led a consultant team of 17 firms through an bilingual community engagement process to create a master plan and design guidelines for the site. The plan provides a foundation for the solicitation of private developers to implement its recommendations.